Monday, April 5, 2010

I was reminded Friday evening of just how awesome spring time is. Double reminded, actually. Not only am I excited that warm weather has returned, but after a six-month hiatus, it felt really good to be home. Few things make me feel better than being able to offer my friends a stoop to sit on, a centrally located spot to meet up, or a place to sleep after a few too many beers.

I had the privilege of drinking my first Oberon of the year at the Old Miami. I haven't had that much fun at D'Mongo's since I left with a black eye last fall. Bike rides, bike crashes. United. Sleep overs and shenanigans. And talking about it all the next day over ice cream on the patio of Traffic Jam. Like Ma$e once sang: "Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back.."


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

bike likers..

JD has inspired me to get back into screen printing. My first attempt, which she ended up doing most of the grunt work on, because let's face it, girl is way more detail oriented than me, turned out pretty damn flossy. More to follow.

In other bike news, as of March 1st, I've been riding my bike to work and wearing a helmet. Not that I deserve praise, just happy to be off to a motivated spring-time start. Booyah!



twenty ten..

has proved pretty magical for jd and i thus far.

stay awesome and keep texting.


Friday, March 26, 2010

hey ladies..

jd and i were asked to create a visual display of some statistical information pertaining to women for the first annual Women's Event, held at the Crofoot, February 13th. these are a couple of the slides we made. that's right, slides. these mofos were projected onto the screen behind the stage at an epically large scale, which nearly made me pee my pants.

must thank our beloved martin vecchio for the photos.
what a doll.


bloggin' ain't easy..

..but we aren't quitters. here's to another resurrection of rifles & diamonds. while my other half is out of town on top-secret business, I've decided to update ya'll with a couple of things.

we love you.


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

our namesake.

in case you've been wondering.

see this.

i saw 'Coco Before Chanel' last night. totally worth it. my gentleman friend at starbucks told me he had seen it over the weekend, and that we needed to discuss it. this probably expedited my trip to the theatre, though i had been intending to see it from the get go. lots of good films out right now, damn. um, new moon this weekend. see you there.